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SEND Information

Our curriculum is for all: SEND expectations  

Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum which can be found by clicking this link: National Curriculum

At St Modwen’s we offer a broad, balanced and academically rigorous curriculum for all our learners. Our curriculum is heavily influenced by our school mission statement: 'Excellence for all, through Jesus’ Love.'

With Jesus at the heart, we intend to provide:

  1. Excellence for all children.
  2. Excellence for all staff.
  3. Excellent spaces and opportunities to learn.

Ensuring that ALL children have access to our curriculum offer is a key priority for our staff.

All children have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to enable children to:

  • Understand the relevance and purpose of learning activities;
  • Experience levels of understanding and rates of progress that bring feelings of success and achievement.

Pupils with SEND will be given access to the curriculum through additional SEND provision that is provided by school as and when it is necessary.  This support will wherever possible acknowledge the wishes of parents and the needs of the child.  Every effort will be made to educate pupils with SEND alongside their peers in a mainstream classroom setting.  With the support of additional adults where necessary and access to quality-first teaching, we believe all our children can thrive.

Should you require further information about the support on offer for our pupils with SEND, talk to our SENDCO: Alice Smith
For further reading on the rationale behind our approach, we recommend the SEND Code of Practice:

The school SENCo is Miss A Smith

Inclusion Support Manager - Mrs T Elsigood

e-mail -

Governor for SEND: Mr P Moon