What we have been learning this week...
This week's nursery rhyme is Five Currant Buns in a Baker's Shop. The children have enjoyed role playing this rhyme by being a currant bun, a buyer or being the baker.
In maths we have started our new topic 'Matching' where the children have had to match buttons, wellies and build a tower to match a picture. This will continue next week, so I wonder what we will be matching next!
They have really enjoyed talking about the people in their family who love and cares for them as part of our RE topic. I am finding out what lots of you do at home to show the children how you love and care for them.
Thank you very much to all the parents that helped to complete their child's 'All about Me' booklet for our display and for sending in the family photos.
In Reception, we have been reading the story, A Little Bit Brave. We started drawing club by drawing the character and setting. Then we moved onto thinking about the different adventures Luna and Logan go on. We have been really enjoying Phonics this week and have used our magic finger to write the sound in the air. Ask us what sound we have learnt this week.
Year 1:
This week Year 1 have been learning all about adjectives and using them in our writing. We have designed our own pants for the King after reading 'The King's Pants' and we wrote sentences to describe them. In maths we have been looking at the difference between number lines and number tracks and we have been learning to count on and back using our number lines. We have enjoyed learning about Psalms in RE and have even written our own. I English next week we will be innovating our own stories based on 'The King's Pants'.
Year 2:
This week in Year 2, we have written our own journey stories in English. In Maths, we have counted in increments of 2, 5, 10 and 3. We also did our first ever Maths journal to show our understanding of place value. In Art, we tried to make different textures and show shade. We then used our new skills to draw a realistic apple, they look amazing. In Geography, we compared our life to those living in the Arctic Circle!
Year 3:
This week in Year 3, we have been studying addition in Maths. We have been using place value and bonds to 10 and 20 to allow us to add multiples of 10 and 100. Please continue to practise times tables and learn the KIRF statements at home as this will help your child be successful during lessons. In Reading, we have made inferences and predictions based on what we have read. In English, we have planned a journey story based on the book - Hike and will be completing our hot task on Monday. In Science, we studied animal skeletons and how they are different depending on the habitat and diet of the animal. In RE, we learned about how God gave us the gift of choice. In Computing, we have been learning about Google Docs and how to save, edit and format documents. In Geography, we learned about different types of settlements in India.
Year 4:
We have had an extremely productive week in Year 4. We have created our own characters in preparation for our hot task during English, we have rounded numbers during maths and read expressively in reading. We enjoyed hockey and handball and further explored the story of Jacob and Joseph in RE. In geography, we created our own seismographs after discovering what seismic waves are and have they are measured. All children have been given the homework grid for this half term as well as their login details. Please ensure that Boom reader is updated each week please. Next week, we are writing our hot task where our characters will experience an earthquake.
Year 5:
In English, we have been building our ideas and working towards writing our hot task. They have been creating their own character and exploring how they can make their writing impressive. In Maths, we have started working on addition and subtraction using numbers with more than 4 digits. We have continued to explore the creation story in RE and used artwork to support this. In Science, we completed a science experiment to find out the best material to use as a thermal insulator.