What we have been learning this week...
What a busy week the children have had! They have learnt two new nursery rhymes this week, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and One potato, two potato. In maths the theme has continued around the secondary colours and activities have reflected this.
We have also been learning about all the things God has made in our Creation topic and singing a song to remind us how wonderful our world is!.
Next week as we continue our topic, All about Me, we will be looking at our families. Please help us if you can and send in a family photograph either via email: nursery@st-modwens.staffs.sch.uk or upload a photograph on your Tapestry account for the children to share.
Thank you.
In Reception, we have been super busy!! We started Drawing Club and read the Colour Monster story. It was a really interesting story about different feelings and the colour it is associated with. Each day, we’ve been making some marks and we’ve really enjoyed it. In Phonics, we’ve been busy learning new sounds and writing them with our magic finger. Ask us what sound we’ve learnt.
Year 1:
Year 1 have tried really hard in maths this week, we have been comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equals to. In English we have started our new topic about our journey story 'The Kings Pants' and have predicted what might happen in the story. In RE we have learnt the Creation Story and displayed this though our artwork.
Year 2:
This week in Year 2, we have been showing our understanding of place value in Maths by using number lines and estimating numbers. In English, we have 'boxed up' Poles Apart so we can understand how to compose a journey story. We also wrote about a polar bear. In PE, we looked at how we could use our body to stop a rolling ball. We explored 'Jonah and the big fish' in RE, retelling it in our own words. What a busy week we have had!
Year 3:
This week in Year 3, we have been studying conjunctions and simple, compound and complex sentences. In Reading, we reimagined the world and all the lovely things we would like to see in it. We also started our new text, Black Dog. In Maths, we have almost completed our place value unit and have been comparing numbers to 1000 and using number lines. In Science, we learnt about the functions of some parts of our skeleton. In RE, we have been studying the seven sacraments and the structure of Mass.
Year 4:
This week in Year 4, we have been continuing our maths topic on place value, looking in particular at measuring on a number line. Next week, we will be moving on to Roamn numerals and rounding. In English, we have been working on improving our writing using compound and complex sentences. In reading, we are working on the book 'The Butterfly Lion', and are thoroughly enjoying this. In geography, we have been working on our topic of earthquakes. This week, we have used Oreos in order to demonstrate the different types of earthquakes that occur. In RE, we have been working on our unit of creation and made in the image of God, we have focussed this week on the story of Abraham.