What we have been learning this week...
This week we have been learning the nursery rhymes ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ and ‘1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive. Learning rhymes enables children to become interested in the rhythm and patterns of language and because they are repetitive it can also support the development of memory. So why not try and sing along with the children at home!
In maths the children have been learning the colours - red, blue and yellow, sorting colours and completing some lovely collage work. Next week we will learn the secondary colours and a new nursery rhyme of the week.
In Reception, we've been very busy. We started our whole school text, The Skies Above My Eyes, and looked at our focus page given by Mrs Sherratt. We explored the different vehicles in the sky and thought about our favourite one which was a rocket. We used our creative skills to design and make a rocket to fly to space. It was a lot of fun! Well done Reception for another great week.
Year 1:
This week Year One have started looking at numbers one more and one less within ten and representing it on a ten frame with a partner.
In English we have watched 'La Luna' and discussed how this is a journey story, what that means and then retold the story in our books.
We have continued to enjoy our activities around the whole school book and tried to shoot our rockets off into space.
Year 2:
This week in Year 2, we have continued our work on place value in Maths, including flexibly partitioning numbers. In English, we wrote a fact file about either vultures or meteoroids. We then started our new text, 'Poles Apart' by Jeanne Willis and Jarvis by exploring the different countries they visit in the book. We looked at birds and fish in Science, identifying the difference between the two. We also enjoyed another yoga lesson, this time thinking about the strength we used to hold the poses and follow them in a sequence.
Year 3:
This week in Year 3, we have continued learning about place value up to 1000 in Maths . Next week, we will be using number lines and adding 10s and 100s to a number. We began studying our book - Hike - in English and have used it as inspiration to help us write expanded noun phrases. We also wrote some spiral poems about the Milky Way which look out of this world! In Reading, we have been looking at vocabulary choices and have done some performance poetry this week. In Science, we learnt about the different bones in the human body. In Geography, we studied the location of India. In RE, we learnt about the symbols involved in Baptism. We will be providing more information about the First Holy Communion Programme in the coming weeks.
Year 4:
We have had a wonderful week in Year 4. We have researched what organisations like Cafod, Father Hudson's Care and Mission Together do and reflected on how we are created in the image and likeness of God. We have been using adjectives and the thesaurus to find synonyms in English as well as ensuring that all of our writing is correctly punctuated. During PE, we used movement to bring alive the page of our whole school book unit. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring the layers of the Earth during our Geography lesson. Place value is our focus during maths and we have been partitioning numbers in a variety of different ways. Your child will have brought home their details to sign into TTRockStars, Boom Reader and Spelling Shed. Please ensure that these are used as much as possible.
Year 6:
This week we have continued with Brightstorm in reading. In English, we have practised identifying sentence types, semi-colons and conjunctions. In PE we started handball. In RE, we have looked at the Old Testament in more detail. In Art, we have researched Yayoi Kusuma. In Spanish, we are learning about healthy food.