What we have been learning this week...
This week we have continued our learning of The Enormous Turnip. We have sequenced a set of pictures from the story to help us recall what happened. In Maths, we have continued our learning of the number 5 and the children are becoming more aware that sometimes more than two numbers can make up 5.
We have also been discussing God's Family and the people in our wider community and how they love and care for us.
This week Reception has been collaging a ladybird for the art exhibition. The artwork looks superb! In English, we have been reading Superworm and have been writing lots of words and sentences about the story. We also went on a minibeast hunt today! It was a lot of fun!
Year 1:
What a great first week back!
In English, we have started our new book 'Tidy'. We have been thinking about verbs and exclamation marks. Then we created a toolkit about what should be included on a poster. In Maths, we have explored numbers 20 to 50 and have completed lots of number tracks. In RE, we have thought a lot about forgiveness and what happens if we make the wrong choices.
Year 2:
This week we have created a piece of art using paints and oil pastels. They look amazing, and we cannot wait for parents to see them in our Art Exhibition. We have started our new unit on living things and their habitats in Science. We have also written prayers for the sick in our RE lesson and considered why we pray for them. Next week, we will begin our new text in English and continue our work on multiplication and division in Maths.
Year 3:
We are so proud of how the children have returned to school after half-term with resilience and enthusiasm this week. We have completed our Spring assessments, and we are proud of how hard the children have worked and how much progress they have made. Please continue to support your child by reading with them at home, logging this on Boom Reader and encouraging your child to use TTRockstars and Spelling Shed. In RE this week, we read the parable of Jesus feeding the 5000, and we thought about the similarities and differences between this and the Eucharist. At the start of this week, we completed our artwork for the Art Exhibition, which will take place during parents' evening where you will be able to view and purchase your child's framed artwork.
Year 4:
We were happy to welcome the children back into Year 4 this week after a restful half-term. We started the week with a reverent and joyful trip to church. Thank you to everybody who safely got their children to the church in the morning through the busy traffic! At church, we joined in with the Rosary and then celebrated Mass with the local parishioners. Following this, Father Stan talked to us about Holy Week and showed us the stations of the cross positioned around the church. In English, we have received some exciting scrolls from the Greek legend Hercules. He has tasked us with completing some excellent writing! In reading, we have started our new book 'Charlotte's Web'.
Year 5:
The first week back for Year 5 has been assessment week. The children have really tried their best! In PE, we started basketball and gymnastics. In RE, we had a visit from Father Stan which the children found extremely exciting and eye-opening! In History, we have started Anglo-Saxons and Vikings! We can't wait to start more new topics next week!
Year 6:
This week in Year 6, we have started our new English Text: Street Child. We have been continuing our Position and Direction topic in Maths and accurately reflecting shapes across four quadrants. In Science, we have continued our electricity topic and considered how different components can affect the flow of current. In PE, we have used counter-balancing in gymnastics. We have also been working hard after school in our SATs Booster classes!