What we have been learning this week...
This week we have been listening to the story of 'The Enormous Turnip' as well as consolidating our learning on Baptism. In Maths, we have been learning all about the number 5. Children are learning that the last number reached when counting a set of objects tells you how many objects there are altogether. Quite often, the children will recount when asked 'how many were there?' Therefore, we are using language where we are saying just the total amount once we have finished counting., e.g. 'There are 5 altogether'. Try this at home.
This week, we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We made Chinese lanterns, explored sensory rice and ended the week food tasting. It was very yummy! We tasted egg fried rice, noodles, prawn crackers and vegetable spring rolls. Miss Butt and Miss Mallinson are extremely proud of the progress Reception has made, especially in Phonics.
Year 1:
This week Year 1 has been very busy. They have worked really hard in small groups to complete their assessments in Maths and Reading. Miss Archer and Mrs Chadfield were really impressed looking through them. We have also had DT project week; the children have explored different materials and have created hand puppets with binca. We had to stitch the two pieces of material together with a needle and thread. Have a lovely half-term!
Year 2:
In Year 2 this week, we had a great time designing and making a bag, inspired by our previous text, 'Anansi and the Golden Pot' for our Design and Technology project week. We have also written a fact file about Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, after researching to find our more about him. In Maths, we have introduced multiplication through equal groups. We also enjoyed a visit from Packington Farm. What a wonderful week! We hope you have a lovely half-term.
Year 3:
This week in Year 3, we have been writing a wonderful hot task in the form of an explanation text about the water cycle. In Maths, we have been comparing and ordering fractions using the numerators and the denominators. We will continue our fraction unit when we return after half-term. In RE, we have explored the links between the celebration of the Eucharist and the Last Supper. We also had our second First Holy Communion parents' meeting this week, which was a big success. It has been DT week, and we have been busy making 3D Modroc models of a river and labeled the features. Mr Quinn and Miss Illsley would like to thank all the pupils in Year 3 for their continued enthusiasm and effort during this half-term. We wish you all a happy and restful half-term break.
Year 4:
We're very proud of the hard work Year 4 has put into their assessments this week. These assessments are a challenge for the children and they showed great resilience and determination. We had a wonderful time creating light up Greek Temples during our DT week. The children combined their knowledge of attachment techniques with their electrical system skills to create a wonderful finished piece. We completed our Ronald Dahl biographies in English and in RE, we understood the importance of listening to and prioritising Jesus from the story of Mary and Martha. We also spent time enjoying silent prayer and analysing pictures of Mary explaining our preferences and making inferences. Please ensure you are using Spelling Shed, Boom Reader, TTRockStars and timetables.co.uk regularly.
We hope you all have a restful half-term.
Year 5:
For DT week, Year 5 have researched, designed, made and evaluated bean burgers. The children really enjoyed making and eating the bean burgers they had created! In English, the children have been writing and editing their hot task survival guide. In RE, children have been learning about vocations and why the priesthood is so special. The children learnt about scams and how to avoid them on Internet Safety Day this week. Year 5 also had a special visitor come to talk to them about food miles.
Year 6:
This week in English we have been writing our non-fiction text about trading in South America. In Maths, we have been learning about Co-ordinates. In RE, we have been continuing to think deeply about the sacrament of Confirmation. In PE, this week we did various exercises and played bench-ball. In DT, we have looked at different types of bread and tasted them; we also designed and made our own bread. In Reading, we have continued with 'Tales of Terror'.