What we have been learning this week...
This week, the children have been learning all about Baptism, where they are given their name and welcomed into the family of God. They have taken part in role playing a baptism with the dolls, giving them a name and blessing them with water. They have also been practising recognition and writing of their own name.
The children have also had lots of activities in all areas to support the learning of Chinese New Year, including how and why it is celebrated, listening to stories, dragon dancing and exploring foods and textures, as well as making our own scented playdough.
In Reception, we have been investigating different materials of houses in the story of The Three Little Pigs. We know that the brick house was definitely the strongest. We then explored other materials to use for houses. In English, we have been using our phonics to write sentences about a pig. We used adjectives to describe the pig from the story and really focused on capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Year 1:
This week, Year 1 have been writing their own stories. The children have tried really hard to remember to use capital letters and full stops, and we have been really impressed with their independent writing. In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting within 20 and in RE we have been learning about the miracles of Jesus and thinking about how these stories can inspire us in our daily lives.
Year 2:
In Year 2 this week, we have been conducting a Science experiment. We have been observing over time whether our cress grows better in natural sunlight or in a dark place. In Maths, we have continued our work on money, looking at making a pound in different ways and finding change. In English, we have worked on sentence structure to improve our writing. In RSE, we looked at how we can keep ourselves clean and healthy. In Computing, we looked at mapping and tried to map our classrooms.
Year 3:
This week, in Maths, we have been studying fractions and what denominators and numerators are. In English, we have been learning about how to structure paragraphs and how to write in a style suitable for explanation texts. In Geography, we compared the River Trent with the River Ganges. In Art, we used paint to create Van Gogh-inspired artwork and the results have been amazing! In RE, we have learnt about the role Thanksgiving and sacrifice has in the celebration of the Eucharist during Mass. Reminder that the First Holy Communion meeting will take place at St. Mary and St. Modwen's Church on Tuesday evening 6:00-6:30pm. Please attend with your child to help them prepare for their First Holy Communion. Next week is DT week, if you have any large bits of cardboard and any plastic bottles going spare (500ml and larger milk bottles), please send them to school with your child.
Year 4:
This week we have completed our Maths unit on length and perimeter. We have also really upped our practice for the timetables check and have been using timestables.co.uk to get the best score we can out of 25. Please keep this up at home too! In English, we have started to research the author Roald Dahl, in order to write our own biography about him. In Science, we have been getting practical with electrical equipment, creating simple circuits to make a bulb light up. In RE, we have been focussing in detail on the 5 different types of prayer and what the words to 'Our Father' mean to us today.
Year 5:
This week we have started our new non-fiction unit in English by writing a survival guide. In RE, we have looked at the role of a Priest. In Maths, we have started decimals. In Art, the children have completed some amazing New York skylines! Overall, a jam-packed week!
Year 6:
This week we have been learning about trade and obstacles to trade in English and Geography. In Maths, we have been learning about ratios and proportions. In PE, we practised tackling in Hockey and in Gymnastics we practised forward rolls. In Science, we looked at circuits and in Art we looked at Abstract techniques. In RE, we looked at Confirmation in more detail and the importance of the Oil of Chrism.