What we have been learning this week...
As we continue with our topic, Once upon a Time, the children have been listening to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They are so much more confident in joining in with the story, retelling and sequencing the story with additional resources. The story opens up lots of mathematical language of size and consolidates our learning of the number 3.
In Maths, we have been learning all about the number 4, learning that the last number reached when counting a small set of objects tells you how many there are in total.
This week, we have been learning all about The Three Little Pigs. We spoke about the different materials that the houses were made out of and which one was the strongest. We chose the one made out of bricks! In Maths, we have been focusing on the numbers 6, 7 and 8. We looked at different representations and ways to make those numbers.
Year 1:
Year 1 have been busy innovating their own stories this week. They enjoyed drawing their own story maps and performing them for the rest of the class. We also enjoyed our visit from the Fire Service, where we learnt all about staying safe, how to cross the road and what to do in an emergency! The children enjoyed seeing the fire engine and having a go at using the hose. In Maths, we have been practising our subtraction problem-solving skills.
Year 2:
We have read our new text in English this week in Year 2. We love the story of 'Emmanuel's Dream' and explored the order of events in preparation for our hot task, creating a fact file about Emmanuel Yeboah. In Maths, we have continued to learn about money and compared amounts. We have planned our experiment in Science. We are discovering what happens when we grow seeds in light and dark places and using observation over time to show this with cress seeds. In PE, we continued our dance unit, which we have really been enjoying. In Computing, we continued to look at algorithms and planned an algorithm to problem-solve. What a busy week!
Year 3:
This week, in English, we have written our Hot Task, which was a story based around someone overcoming a fear. We also worked on editing and proofreading. In Maths, we have done some journaling about division and have been dealing with remainders. We will be moving on to fractions next week. In Reading, we have started reading our new book, which has brought a lot of excitement to the class. In Geography, we have studied the major rivers of the UK and located them on a map. This is one of Mr Quinn's favourite lessons! In RE, we have been looking at the different parts of Mass and what their purpose is. A reminder to please encourage your child to go to TTRockstars, Spelling Shed and Boom Reading as much as possible. Please complete and return any termly homework. We have had a wonderful water cycle 3D model brought in. Well done Seb! Our next First Holy Communion meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th February (6:00-6:30pm) at St Mary and St Modwen's Church.
Year 4:
Year 4 have produced some absolutely brilliant warning stories for their hot tasks about The Twits. During Maths, we have been focusing on finding the perimeter of shapes. We focused on how Jesus teaches us how to pray in RE. This week we role-played the story of the Boy at the Temple and discussed why Jesus often prayed alone. During Geography, we conducted a study of why Greece hosted the Summer Olympics and Canada the Winter Olympics.
Year 5:
Year 5 have had a fantastic week. We started our week with a trip to the National Space Centre and saw an amazing show at the planetarium. In English, the children have continued to write their hot task about a tale of fear and have done a fabulous job! In Maths, we finished off our fractions topic with a journaling lesson to recap all the methods that we have learnt. In RE, we have explored the promises made during marriage and the significance of these promises. The children have been busy researching about the similarities and differences between New York and London in Geography.
Year 6:
This week we have been writing our scary stories in English. In Maths, we have finished FDP and have turned our attention to Ratio and Proportion. In Music, we are looking at movie soundtracks and film scores. In RE, we have looked at the symbols in Baptism. In Geography, we looked at imports and exports from the UK. In Art, we looked at Archimboldo.