What we have been learning this week...
This week's nursery rhyme has been 'Row, Row, Row your Boat'. The children enjoyed acting out the rhyme with a friend rowing down the stream. We have continued with our topic of SORTING in maths, making rules for different groups of objects, the children really enjoyed this! We have continued to look at ourselves and talk about what we are good at and what our favourite toys are.
This week we have been learning all about the season of Autumn. We started the week by painting different coloured leaves on a tree and exploring different things you'd find in Autumn. In English, we have been reading the story book, 'Stuck', and, in English, we thought about all the things that could get stuck in a tree. We had a go at writing some initial sounds and worked really hard. In Phonics, we have been learning lots of new sounds. With Fred's help, we have been learning to blend sounds together to make a word. Next week, we will be learning all about Diwali and how it is celebrated.
Year 1:
Year 1 have expanded on their knowledge of exploring number bonds in Maths and have learnt a number bond to 10 rap. They have also started to complete addition problems using their addition skills. In English, we have learnt about all the places Winnie the Pooh visited in London and have written fantastic sentences about our favourite place ready for our ‘Hot task’ next week. In Art, we used forks to create different patterns as well as blowing the paint with straws. In Science, we enjoyed using our senses in a mini experiment using our taste.
Year 2:
This week in Year 2, we learnt what life was like in 1666 in our History lesson. In RE, we learnt about the Rosary. We had the opportunity to pray the Rosary and reflect on how it felt to us. In PE, we continued our yoga unit by exploring poses and creating a flow between our different movements. In Art, we evaluated our final piece, considering our technique and whether we had achieved the style of Maria Sybilla.
Next week, we have DT week. Thank you to those who have already sent boxes in. These will be used next week to create our projects.
Year 3:
This week we have been mastering column addition with exchanging and learning how to lay out or work accurately to avoid making mistakes. We have been very impressed with all the hard work and progress made by all the pupils. Next week, we will be learning column subtract. Please continue to practice times tables and the Maths KIRF statements at home to ensure your child is prepared for learning in class. In Reading, we have continued to practise retrieval skills using our book - 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore'. Please can you ensure you have connected to Boomreader so that you can log reading at home. The logins have been sent home. In Science, we learnt about different food categories and what each of them provides us with. In RE, we studied the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how it links to the teachings of Jesus. This is good preparation for our sacramental journey. Our first Holy Communion meeting will take place next month in Church.
Year 4:
This week we have completed our Maths unit on addition and subtraction by looking at column methods with multiple exchanges. In English, we completed our hot task, which was a story about being caught in an earthquake. We are now moving on to writing a non-chronological report about the same topic. In Reading, we are reaching the end of 'The Butterfly Lion' and have really enjoyed working on this book. In Geography, we have been researching tsunamis and created a fact file about them. In RE, we have been looking at the importance of the baptism of Jesus and linking religious art to this story.
Year 5:
This week we have had assessments so the children have been very busy. We have completed a research lesson all about fossils, giving the children some very interesting information to use in their hot task, and we have generated our toolkit ready for writing next week. In RE, we have been learning about the life and message of John the Baptist. In Art, the children evaluated their beautiful final pieces. Overall, it has been a jam-packed week. Hopefully, the children will have a well-deserved rest.
Year 6:
This week we have been preparing for our hot task in English lessons. In Maths, we have finished learning about calculation methods and are about to start fractions. In RE, we have examined what vocations in our faith mean. In Science, we have started a micro-organism experiment. In Geography, we looked at how climate change affects the Great Wall of China. In Reading, we have been predicting and using creative writing to help us think about characters. In Spanish, we have started to look at habitats and in PE and RE we have played games of football and handball across the year group.