What we have been learning this week...
This week's nursery rhyme has been Old MacDonald had a Farm to link with our Autumn topic and learning all about the Harvest season. The children have been learning makaton sign language to support each of the animals on his farm and are becoming really good at recalling the actions. The children have looked at lots of different autumn vegetables and natural materials and created an Autumn display. Our maths activities have been all about SORTING, sorting groups into different colours using their own painted pasta shapes, sorting big, medium and small sized leaves and also sorting 2D shapes. As part of Forest School day the children listened to the story Bog Baby in the forest area, went treasure hunting for fairies and then finished the week making their very own class scarecrow.
This week, Reception have been learning all about different houses. In drawing club, we have been reading In Every House On Every Street and thought carefully about the marks and special codes we made. In Phonics, we've been learning different sounds and have been working really hard to blend words together. In our outdoor classroom, we have been making mud pies and muddy drinks in the mud kitchen. It's been a lot of fun!! Next week, we'll be focusing more on the season of Autumn and its changes.
Year 1:
This week Year 1 have been super mathematicians when exploring number bonds within 10, using part whole model and bar models. In English we have started reading 'Winnie the Pooh meets the King' and have been drawing story maps and writing descriptive sentences. Next week we will learn more about the different landmarks the characters visited in London. In Science we have continued to learn about our senses, focusing on what we can hear. We used instruments to make loud and quiet sounds and went on a listening walk around school.
Year 2:
This week in Year 2, we have been learning how to add by making ten in Maths. In English, we learnt what an expanded noun phrase is and wrote about penguins. We also looked at using past tense in our writing. In Art, we produced our final piece in the style of Maria Sybilla. In Geography, we produced leaflets to inform you how to look after our world. We also enjoyed a forest school day on Friday, using our school grounds to participate in a range of outdoor activities, including a treasure hunt. What a wonderful week!
Year 3:
This week we have studied column addition in Maths. We will be learning column subtraction next. In English, we have learnt about imperative verbs and fronted adverbials, and we work towards writing our hot task - instructions. In Reading, we have continued reading and exploring the Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore. In RE, we learnt about Zacchaeus and how Jesus taught us about forgiveness and reconciliation. Today, we had a great time doing forest school activities around the grounds of the school. This included scarecrow making, lighting a fire and a bare foot walk!
Year 4:
We have made great progress with the column method for addition during Maths and have now moved on to using the column method for subtraction. We have completed our hot task in English, where we wrote about two characters experiencing an earthquake. Music was great fun as we used body percussion and composed our own piece. During RE, we studied the Nunc Dimittis and write prays focused on Jesus being the light of the world. We continued to work on our dribbling and passing skills during hockey and had a brilliant time during our first school day.
Year 5:
In English, we have started our new writing unit and looking at fossils and how they are formed. We have started our multiplication topic in maths and have been learning about multiples and factors. The children have been learning about the story of the baptism of Jesus in RE. In Art, the children have started their final piece and enjoyed using a range of techniques. We have finished off our week with forest school day and all the children have loved it.
Year 6:
This week we have been continuing to prepare for our explanation writing Hot Task. In Reading, we are waiting to see if Maudie and Arthur join Harriet Culpepper's crew in Brightstorm. In RE, we have been thinking about what Jesus would say to those who were unkind to him. In PE we have continued with football and handball. In Science, we learnt about micro-organisms. In E-Safety, we thought about what to do if we received hurtful messages. In Maths, we have persevered with Long Division.